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I have 5 Platforms I stand for 

1. Parental Rights

God. He blessed me with my children and gave me authority over my kids. I am accountable to God for how I raise my children. Not the government or school or anyone else. I am ultimately held responsible for my children. 
The state of Michigan, acknowledges these rights Section 380.10 Parental Rights.
It states "It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to DETERMINE and direct the care, TEACHING, and EDUCATION of their children"
The government, with the schools cooperation, is telling parents that they know what's best for us and our kids. They don't. Parents ask for mask choice. They say no. Parents ask for schools to open. They say no. Parents ask for in-person conferences (post covid). They say no. Parents ask for Open House (post covid). They say no and send a video. Parents are being kept out of schools. Period!

2. Academic Excellence

I send my kids to school because I want them to have the best Academic education possible!

I want my kids to succeed, be excellent, be overcomers and learn leadership!

Mediocrity is what the schools are promoting now and it's called Equity. One level outcome for all. Cutting back on challenging opportunities for high achievers. Spending money on social justice and dividing our kids into subgroups based on race, gender and social economic status. "Education" should be our schools #1 mission! Go to the website! It's not in our mission statement!

A mere 39.1% math proficiency in our 5th grade. We can do better than that! We have amazing teachers Let's help them teach the subjects they love by removing the heavy load of political and social government agendas off their backs. The ESSER funds have too many strings attached.

Excellence needs to rise again! Our Kids need to be prepared for the world ahead and ready to take on life's challenges. Excellence calls them. Kids, arise beyond yourselves!

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